
Monday, February 21, 2011

Bipasha Basu - What the hell? (*Updated*)

Bipasha Basu tweeted about an hour ago "I need to learn to tie shoe laces asap!Embarassed that I can't!No patience grrrrr! Promise I am not spoilt!Will learn soon" and tagged it with a picture. Yes, the one you see above. After she tweeted it, she started getting strong responses like...
"no child labour"
"Are they two kids ? I think its child labour ? ??"

"awww..didnt expected this from u..people follow u for ur good work"
"Look at those children. U shud be shameful for supporting her"
"Oh god, people should just chill out. Like you guys wouldnt do her laces! I god damn would! Lol."
"wt r u trying to tell us from dis.i never thought u were such a .i admired u i should slap myself"
"what the f**k is dis ....having money is not the thing u should hav common sense....."
"OMG !!!!!!"
"Bipasha should be arrested for this act. Only then these film studios will not do any child labour"
"Disgraceful Bips - cannot believe you are dumb enough to add this photo on Twitter!"
"Miss basu it looks like child labour evn though i suppose not.."
"Inform the Child labour protection act? Lol i guess bips went to school on slippers"
"This is how we treat fellow indians. Shame on you Bipasha. Unfollowed you shameless!"
What's more shocking was, she deleted the tweet instantly but forgot to delete the twitpic (picture).
She could face serious charges for this. Indian Child Labour act says Law Breakers could face one month to 12 months in jail .
Your thoughts?
*Update... Just 10 minutes ago Bipasha deleted the picture and tweeted this "Well the ppl helping me in the pix r my friend n sister,Who I help often with the same!So am sorry if it hurt anyones sentiments!"
She just said (in the tweet that she deleted) that she still needs to learn how to tie laces so where did this, "I often help them with the same" come from. White lies!
Also, weird because why would she have to delete the picture if they were really her 'friend' and 'sister'?




  1. The issue here is the pure arrogance of one of the top Hollywood star to post two young girls tying her shoelace. What was she thinking? How dumb can she be! Well - great to see salman getting off free for killing someone! Then Priyanka Chopra does not seemed to be bothered that the income tax raided her place for unpaid tax. Then we have Bipasha Basu thinks it fun to add photo ofvtwo under age girls tying her shoelace! Wake up people - sad that it is India today!

  2. a lot of anti-Bips people must be super-excited about this and their only mission seems to be to bring Bips down.

    sorry, the same ppl are the ones who walk by kids working DAILY either visiting India or living there. how come no rile then???!!!!
    now they're excited that the West might kick bad-Bips out.

    anyhow, so long as we can get a fair-beauty to represent us aboard, we can keep a good-face to the West and convince them SlumDog millionaire is a total lie

  3. everyone in india uses child labor and people think its norm. as in it is not thought of as a crime. Dowry now has become a taboo as people are not aware that it is a crime, something like this needs to happen to child labor too. people need to be educated it is a crime. Hopefully the bips story can be a good medium.

    That being said i have eaten in restaurants in indai where the cleaners were most commonly kids. being ill treated and not even paid well. They only got their meals. Many kids from my city moved to Mumbai to work in hotels.

    How pathetic is the state of indian kids. when i was in india i never thought abt it. Now that i am in the west, i realise we are looting these kids of the most precious things they have - their childhood.

  4. hmmn one thing is for sure that that is not her sis as she is in US studying. And her sis is quite tall like bips. But are these really kids in the first place?. These 2 girls look like they are in some uniform.

    But watever the case i am glad this will bring light to the issue of child labor and bollywood will soon be careful about it. PV is a huge site now and am sure all newspapers and channels will air this tomorrow.

    Also bips will soon be seen in hollywood movie. if this article goes to a hollywood site, that is it, singularity will not see light of the day.

  5. this is a joke, if anybody from india, almost all of ther families used child labor in some sort in any of their chores, so everybody should be arrested. why don't people respond to the root of the problem, the corrupt politicians who eat most of the money that is supposed to be used "for developing the country".

  6. Nobody is saying she did something acceptable if she hired kids. of course not!

    What is UNACCEPTABLE is this:
    A) Hypocricy of an entire nation who uses services and goods of companies and individuals participating in child violation laws.

    B) Hypocricy of the people who act like nothing has happened when they see children working.. but then come out like raving animals on Bips.. Is is that hard to call the child labor service the next time you see a slum child in the streets selling you goods?

    C) The thought of what is happening to these kids.. where are they going to get $ to eat their next bread!!???? Who is going to give them the education to rise up? Who is going to protect them from the HORRIBLE skin color discrimination which keeps the elites and low-class seperated?

    Have you all thought about this??? yes or no.
    what have you all done on a regular basis to solve these issues.
    instead of just a Bips- is bad-- we all need to use this as an opportunity to tackle the REAL issues.

  7. shameful that she was putting it in twitter as this would be normal in india... more shameful of her that she deleted it first and claimed they were her sister blabla... it is a shame that she has no sentiments and thinks child labour is the norm ... have no words for this lady, i would like to give this to the media in the west, it will bring a lot of attention to her movie sungularity

  8. 75% of Indians break child laws in India. Let them all get arrested, why just one Bips?
    Have you ordered something even online from India from aboard? Congrats.. you might have participated in getting service from children (most of the shops and even elite stores are given services by kids and teens who clean the places as pure cheap labor, etc.). If you are getting services from those places, you too participated in child violation laws. If you are Indian, you can bet one of your friends or relatives might be as guilty as Bips is.

    You are looking at the arrest of the entire India and even NRIS who visit India and shop at places which use child services. Let's all participate in this arrest which might include us ! .. and FINALLY COME TO TERMS WITH THE BIGGEST TRADEDY OF INDIA. OUR KIDS IN THE SLUMS TO THE ELITE PLACES DESERVE BETTER.

    arresting everyone is not going to solve anything. bringing color and child discimiation out in the open and finally STOPPING THE DENIALS TO THE WEST will bring this national tradedy and put it to a full stop. We all have to admit we are guilty in this.

  9. She should be arrested for this. Nothing less would do

  10. the child labor laws in India is a joke-- children are working everywhere and they made a film on Slumdog to show it.. and people shoved it under the rug to 'save face' to the West.

    But it's the apathay towards the kids that's unbearble .. you have rich NRIS and Indians who will see children all around them suffering and walk as if nothing's happened... it's not just Bips-- it's everyone.

  11. She lied to escape coming under those charges.

    She will easily get off because this is India. She can still feel safe.

  12. it kinda looks like a shoe store....there are probably girls who work there and are star struck enough to start tying her shoelaces for her....if its true then its kinda shameful on her part..

  13. Disgusting!!! Hope the Indian law pays attention to this. Rescue those girls.

    I'm sure Bipasha's fans will say they're sisters. Of course she can turn her maids into her sisters for anything!

  14. 1. She is dumb if she put it thinking people would enjoy or get humoured that she doesnt know how to tie her laces.

    2. This could be a well thoughts of publicity stunt too. Negative Publicity is also pub rigtht? Child labor walle ayenge, ghar ke bahar dharna denge. Media will cover it and she will be in NEWS...

    If she is dumb, Its excusable coz she atleast looks it. but if this is for publicit she is sick.

  15. he should be ashamed of herself, and deleting it makes no diff. to her true character.

  16. shes a attention seeker her career over!
