
Monday, February 21, 2011

Bipasha Basu - What the hell? (*Updated*) + Amitabh Bachchan's response

Given that she will soon be a hollywood star as she is acting in the hollywood movie Singularity, she needs to be careful on what she tweets. This could be a huge issue in the west where child labour[if at all this is true] is totally looked down upon and is a crime.
Here is the whole story.
Bipasha Basu tweeted about an hour ago "I need to learn to tie shoe laces asap!Embarassed that I can't!No patience grrrrr! Promise I am not spoilt!Will learn soon" and tagged it with a picture. Yes, the one you see above. After she tweeted it, she started getting strong responses like...
"no child labour"
"Are they two kids ? I think its child labour ? ??"
"awww..didnt expected this from u..people follow u for ur good work"
"Look at those children. U shud be shameful for supporting her"
"Oh god, people should just chill out. Like you guys wouldnt do her laces! I god damn would! Lol."
"wt r u trying to tell us from dis.i never thought u were such a .i admired u i should slap myself"
"what the f**k is dis ....having money is not the thing u should hav common sense....."
"OMG !!!!!!"
"Bipasha should be arrested for this act. Only then these film studios will not do any child labour"
"Disgraceful Bips - cannot believe you are dumb enough to add this photo on Twitter!"
"Miss basu it looks like child labour evn though i suppose not.."
"Inform the Child labour protection act? Lol i guess bips went to school on slippers"
"This is how we treat fellow indians. Shame on you Bipasha. Unfollowed you shameless!"
What's more shocking was, she deleted the tweet instantly but forgot to delete the twitpic (picture).
She could face serious charges for this. Indian Child Labour act says Law Breakers could face one month to 12 months in jail .
Your thoughts?
Just 10 minutes ago Bipasha deleted the picture and tweeted this "Well the ppl helping me in the pix r my friend n sister,Who I help often with the same!So am sorry if it hurt anyones sentiments!"
She just said (in the tweet that she deleted) that she still needs to learn how to tie laces so where did this, "I often help them with the same" come from. White lies!
Also, weird because why would she have to delete the picture if they were really her 'friend' and 'sister'?
Someone tweeted this to Mr Amitabh Bachchan. here was his response
@Bharat_Hyd and why would you assume that these are a film stars feet ..!!




  1. > well, how much respect do you think the children of color in India are getting exactly?

    education, food and shelter: NO
    work or suffer dire consequences: YES,

    we need to be more than just indignant on one star.. but on all ourselves in the entire Indian and NRI community. MOst of us have NOT given the kids in need their obvious respect.

  2. i agree that kids work in household in india all the time, but they do dishes or other sorts of cleaning and make money for their family. She has not right to show them tying her shoes and tweeting about it..thats disrespectful..what is she trying to prove b putting a picture like this...

  3. ome people are so friking dum! its not the fact that this might be her servant or whatever...its th efact that she has the audacity to post two girls(who look like her servants...come on...its obvious even to the blind) tying her shoe lace...and her comment says...ah look at me i cant tie shoe laes so im gona get these random girls to do it for me! coz i have the power to do that! its the intention and sentiment behind it...which is clear ven if these are her servants...weknow a lot of people have servants in india...but to go n post a pic of u takiing that labour for granted is something else...and this is what people are complaining about!!

  4. -> if you read any of the comments, no one is defending Bips at all! so far, there is no proof that she committed child labor violations , based on a photo and a twitter. but it might be true. if she has, it's wrong. But our celebs live under the SAME LAW we all do- -and she should be facing the same penalties we all do.

    but the outrage is that the same ppl who condemn her are the same ones who would NEVER call the UN authories or anyone to solve the REAL ISSUES of child labor. Many use child labor.. and nearly all turn the other cheek when witnessing it on a DAILY BASIS. What are you doing for color discrimination rights.. tackling poverty etc? Have any of you called the police or the UN when you've seen a child working?? Now this outrage against Bips seems immensely hypocritical... esp when we all were denying the SlumD-M film all the while..

    Hypocricy or saying that our celebs must pretend to lie and live differently than we do is not going to solve this issue.

  5. Wow I can't believe how STUPID some people can be! Instead of sitting at home complaining at a star for having two little girls (who are possibly good friends of her) tie some shoe laces, why don't they get their lazy butts off Twitter and actually make an effort to put an end to REAL CHILD LABOR! Most people have little sisters or friends do minor favors for them, like tying shoes or (GASP!) helping them up if they fall. Find a real issue to complain and make a difference about, and something bigger than tying shoe laces!

    So why don't you get affiliated with an actually organization that stops REAL CHILD LABOR

  6. The West is suffering their own recession and the outsourcing has given way to huge anti-India sentiments. Are you kidding.. you think by exposing this, child-labor issues in India will be resolved?? That's what some people said would happen post Slumdog Millionaire-- the ENTIRE WORLD watched kids working. But leave it to us to pretend things were ok-- we all lied that things were fine in India. Now we want to tell them one of our movie stars is bad... Please West.. please kick and diss her??? The fact is, among the many abusive people who keep child labor not only for work and abuse, Bips (if she has broken any laws and kept child labor-- which still is not proven)-- might be one of the kinder 'employers'. There are nut cases out there who beat and abuse these kids as 'employers'.

    Sorry Fashionista, have to disagree with you. We don't need a memshabbib to come to India and solve things for us. We're an independent nation and only we can solve our problems. The Western people know and have KNOWN for a long time for a child labor laws. They have their own problems-- most have given up trying to solve problems for our nation--ok?

    It's a deep shame on all of us that we have become so hard of heart that we no longer see the dusky low-class people in oiur country as beautiful humans who need an education and might designers just like us-- INCLUDING INNOCENT CHILDREN. We need to open our hearts and accept all children as beautiful humans-- that's the only way!

  7. i believe it cant be bipsha....someone must have hacked her account or something...but i dont know...she is not stupid...her new Hollywood film is going to be out so someone is trying to defame her!!!

  8. OMG!!! I never thought she is like that..
    Shame on her!!!

  9. India has a HUGE problem with child labor.. and Bips alone should not be tarnished and targetted for the hypocicy for an ENTIRE NATION who watch children serve teas, work and even hire them.. and then do a hypoctical shame shame on her. fact is, most of us would not even bother taking photos of any of our helpers.. let alone appreciate their work. Elite people with two jobs grumble today in Delhi that they have to wash their own dishes because labor is getting expensive *shudders *shuders*. SHAME ON US.. not just one Bips!

    And to us NRIS...when have each of us visited Delhi or Mumbai and pretended not to notice the child who in the shops working 9 AM to 9PM 7 days a week in un-tolerable heat, while mumbling about our own spoiled hectic schedules of working overtime in our comfy AC office 6 days a week? we all should have called the police and actively done something to stop it. but do we do it? oh no.. but we react like mad-cats when SlumDog millionarire comes out. That's when we rise to defend India, etc. But we don't bother to contact international child assoications ever.. to sort this issue out. Oh no.. that would make us and India 'look bad'. So let's let OUR KIDS suffer... because whether you like it or not, the slum kids and the elite kids are all OUR KIDS. We need to think of everyone as a whole now.


  10. Looks like she wants to create some controversy to stay in the is what cheap does such a BS looks totally made up...hire better PR ghadhiii.

  11. I believe her and she took it off because people like to go gaga sentimental and make a bigger issue of things than required...

    she doesn`t know how to tie em so she doesn`t asked for help whats the big deal, last time i checked laces didn`t require heavy labour, lifting, any kind of hazard. Its just LACE

  12. I need to learn to tie shoe laces asap!

    What a BRAT! I bet she had a silver spoon growing up. Children can tie shoe laces and she can't!

  13. there is NO WAYYY IN HELL that those two are her FRIEND and SISTER! She's just trying to cover up for her shameful act! Learn to tie your own shoe laces Bipasha!

  14. AnonymousJuly 14, 2011

    je sabi actress aise hi krti hai
