
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Watch: Sid Mallya takes questions on his sexuality in “Sid Sessions”

After the success of his show “No Boundaries” during the 2012 IPL, Sid Mallya launched his first solo web series “Sid Sessions”. In the show, Sid responds to obscure and mean things he receives on social media. He tries to answer the questions in the most witty way possible.
In the new episode, Sid takes up questions on his sexuality. When someone tweeted him asking if he was gay, he said, “No. Contrary to popular belief, I am straight as an arrow.”
Sid later replies to a tweet and says, “I know you guys are convinced that I am gay, but I assure you I am not. Not that I have anything against gays, in fact my best friend happened to be gay. It’s just that I am not gay.”
The entire episode is about questions on his sexuality.
“I can understand why you think I am gay. Gay men tend to be impeccably well dressed. Gay men also happen to have exceptionally defined jaw-line. And gay men also tend to be constantly surrounded by women,” Sid said along with some pictures of himself.
Watch Sid’s witty responses here.

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