
Thursday, May 8, 2014

This short film will definitely leave you teary eyed

We are never satisfied with what we have. Even if we have the best of things in world, we never really leave an opportunity to crib and sulk over petty things. And it is quite often that our parents also get included in the list. Ever wondered what you will do without the love and support of your mother and father.
This 130 seconds video, which focuses on child adoption, will make you realise how important they are for you and how privileged you should feel to have them.
The video, titled ‘Chalk’, starts with a kid running around book shelves looking for something. He finally gets what he wanted, nothing big, they were just some chalk pieces that he took and ran into the ground.
When the watchman comes to see what this kid is upto, he was surprised that he is drawing a woman with the chalk pieces. The kid then and finally sleeps over the drawing, because he doesn’t have a mother and wants someone to love him like her.
The video then reads, “Some of us, unlike most of the privileged one’s, value and solely desire a mother’s love. Love and be loved unconditionally. Adopt a child.”
Watch it and share it.

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