
Saturday, June 8, 2013

DNA report: Family finds Jiah Khan's six-page note describing traumatic ties with lover

The reason behind Jiah Khan's suicide is still a mystery. The latest news on this is of a six page note found by her family. According to DNA, Jiah's family members found a six-page note where she spoke about her relationship being on the rocks, some other disappointments and even a medical procedure she underwent that may have led to her suicide.

Jiah’s mother and sister discovered the note while they were going through her personal items. According to sources close to the family, the note looked like it was written recetnly. “By the time you will be reading this letter, probably by then I won’t be there in this world,” the note read.
The family informed the police about the note and will hand over a notarized copy of it to the officials investigating the case.
The police has confirmed that they will comment only after they check the note themselves. “Once we get the letter we will take an expert opinion on whether it was indeed written by Jiah,” a police officer said.
The note read, “You have cheated me.. I trusted the relation... You didn’t care about the relation.” However, the note didn't have any name on it.
In the letter, Jiah also wrote about a party in Goa and referred to a medical procedure she underwent during the relationship. A source close to the family said that she felt cheated and that the relationship could be a cause of her depression. She had reportedly also spent a lot of money on that person.
The source said that the family was trying to find out which hospital Jiah underwent the medical procedure from.

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