
Monday, August 1, 2011

Fan presents a 10 lakh rupees worth gift to the Bachchans


  1. so stupid...she should've given those 10 lakhs to charity...
    Bachans are soo overated and Amitabh Bachan was supporting the Sikh Massacre in 1984..I can never respect such an individual, who despite being educated made such inhumane choices..

  2. The Bachchan family is either getting broke or they are money hungry people but why would they need their fans to support them financially and later call it a gift?? Cheap people .. thooo

  3. wow these people must be so stupid to give so much of money to the bacchans. hello, these people already have money!! HOW ABOUT YOU GIVE THIS MONEY TO THE POOR IN INDIA!! is it too much to ask???
