
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

'I want to maintain silence on Priyanka's remark' - Kareena Kapoor


  1. journos should just shut up and stop asking them about each other. bollywood sucks.

  2. whatever, more publicity for both of them.

  3. i love bebo shes the best.

    pc needs to keep her mouth shur...shes a desperate dumb

  4. well, kareena DID start all this waaaay back....pc is only REPLYING now. i like both, but i prefer Pc

  5. Lolll Kareena got a bitter taste of her own medicine.....priyanka has left her with no choice but to stay mum !! Priyanka has Shut you up finally. Good Job ya!

  6. Wow Bebo.She has definitely mature from when she started,she has grown up alot,its kinda surprising.I hope ppl will stop bashing her now over her attitude and all,calling her bitchy,etc.Yes when she started she was exterminely bitchy and a pain,like you seriously just wanted to slap her(atleast me)but now shes not,I think ppl need to move on and stop living in the past.She has spoken so well and yet remained so real.People who still bash after this interview,come on,stop being so filled w/hate,she was fine,well spoken.I love Bebo and Priyanka,but I must admit,priyanka took it over board with the whole kareena thing after her huge success and shahid.bringing kareena up everywhere,came off bit immature,thou its understandable,she is very sensitive as she mentioned in her interviews.kareena just seems sick of it,she just wants to move on,kareena actually never said anything to bad,mainly she said we are not friends,I would like to stay as acquaintance on kwk,I think that hit pc hard,then the whole non actresses thing,when then pc wasn't not only kareena but even critics said that. It was immature of pc to bring all that up after all those years now,I mean if pc wanted to say something against it she should have said it back then.but good for bebo for handling it so well,it is surprising to see her sophisticated like this,no offence intended love her n pc alot

  7. thoughts:
    the make up doesn't suit her, she looks aged in a bad way.
    The cricket reference the voice over was gave before the interview was so annoying and off putting.
    I like what she said about hollywood being a whole different ball game, its good shes realistic like that and is sticking to her strengths.
    Stop playing with your hair woman!!
    The Kareena vs. Priyanka bit is boring now.

  8. Bebo ur a sweety pie! But if u were playing tounge and cheek, so was priyanka. and as many of you knw that priyanka didn't just say it because she wanted to, she was asked by karan. she simply just answered a question. and the media just made a huge deal out of it.
    i love bebo and priyanka, they both good actresses..

  9. they are both rivaling to be more fake than the other with their plastic surgeries and horrible sense of style. while i hate both (they are incredibly irritating), kareena is jealous of priyanka because she is sleeping with her old bf, has always and will continue to be skinnier than kareena's man structure will ever permit her to be, and has actually hits (sigh! withOUT the khans)

  10. good job kareena for maintaining silence about pc, you don't need cheap publicity

  11. Now u talk sense. u've been blasting Priyanka 4 past few yrs, now she is not allowing that any longer.

  12. She is so real, and I love her though I am a Priyanka fan actually.
    But please duh, stop saying "Both Saif & Me" to every question, and already stop playing with your dang hair.
